3 Things For Every Day Success

Granted there are numerous things that can help you through the day, however, for me, I’ve narrowed it down to three essential elements. Take them or leave them, you might want to at least consider them and see if you are incorporating them into you daily life today.

  1. Become the person you want to become
  2. Provide the best service you can
  3. Think for yourself

1. Become the person you want to become

Do you know what kind of person you ARE, and ever question if you are happy being this person. If your like 75% of the population of the developed world the answer may be ‘no’. This being the case…

Do you know what kind of person you want to BECOME? Sit down and think about it. I mean really think about it. Take time out to yourself and let you mind take you to the place you want to be. You got it? Then write it down…in as much detail as possible. The reason for the detail is that the next part of the process is to create a vision of this, and ultimately to think about it 24×7, and become it.

Do you know that 

You are, without doubt, the very best in the world at…



If I want to BE ME I’ve gotta BE ME

2. Provide the best service you can

Ones does not MAKE money, it is always EARNED

Your reward (often, but not necessarily, with money) is in direction relation to the value of the service you render. The only people that make money work in a mint, the rest of us have to earn it. 

The amount you earn is directly related to the value of the service you provide.

For example, the person sweeping the street keeps his allocated streets beautifully clean and affected say 100 people that use them. His supervisor manages say 10 Street-sweepers…so he is affecting 10 times as many people, 100, so his compensation is more that the individual cleaner. And this goes on and on up along the responsibility chain. Keep in mind, this is not saying that either man works harder than the other. There’s a good chance that the Supervisor used to be a Cleaner, but he stood out somehow and got a promotion. 95% of the time he was promoted because he put more into his work than was asked. He tried each day to do his duties better than the day before. The better you can do your job, the more interest you have in it and a positive attitude towards its execution, will ultimately enable you to stand out in the crowd. It more about how you do it than what you do.

He put more into his work than was asked. He tried each day to do his duties better than the day before.

3. Think for yourself

Do you know that the majority of the people in the world go through life without actually thinking

About 2% of the world ACTUALLY THINK and these 2% are the WEALTHIEST

By thinking we mean tapping into you elevated faculties and acting on their feedback

Our Elevated Faculties are:

  1. Perception
  2. Will
  3. Reason
  4. Imagination
  5. Memory
  6. Intuition

Truly being yourself and having the confidence to actually be yourself takes effort. Be honest with who you are and have the courage to BE who you are.

At the end … you must be able to say:

“My life belongs to me,no matter where I am.”

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