The Truth in you is Wisdom

Camino Landscape
Voiced by Amazon Polly

Camino is the Spanish word for way. It is a pilgrimage based walk in Spain that many refer to simply as ‘the Camino’.  People do it and often receive life altering revelations, others just do it for the fun. For me, it was a bit of both. On returning home and sharing my ‘revelations / wisdoms’ I was surprised to see  how many people could relate to them in their own lives.

So here I will share a few and, who knows, maybe the hit an inner musical note with you.

The one word I would use is FOCUS.

Live life like a Camino

If I could live life like a camino, I would…

Have a long term end goal

The end goal in the Spanish Camino is ‘where (or when ) you choose to finish your walk. If you make a committed decision to do this it make the whole journey easier. The is the same for your life, a section of your life or even a project you have chosen to undertake.  This over arching goal is you ‘mountain peak’…you don’t need to know how you are going to get their on day one, but, by taking one step at a time you are getting nearer to it.

Have a day goal along the way (and in the right direction).

Don’t fret about your day goal or how, or if, you’ll make it. You make it you don’t…It will all work out somehow. The quality of your day is more important than the kilometer count.

The more crap we have the more complicated we make our life.

On the Camino most people carry their own backpack and stay in hostel accommodation. and others’ have other, totally fine ways. The important thing on the Camino to remember is that there is only one way that is your way…so be comfortable with it. when you carry all your belongings on your back you soon realize what is worth carrying and what is not, hopefully you will have thought of this before you pack. On returning to normal life many people get dismayed with all the ‘things’ we have in our life….the revelation is two fold:

  1. We don’t need many of the things and
  2. The less ‘things’ we have the easier it is to move forward, to make decisions and to be organized.


“There is only one way that is my way.”


Going the extra mile makes the treat all the better.

Extra effort, and getting things somewhat wrong, make up the more memorable moments.

Opportunities are ‘there’ its up to you to see them

Don’t get too fixated on short-term goals to appreciate the glory that is in front of you. Opportunities are ‘there’ it’s up to you to see and seize them. (Waterhole).

Appreciate Generosity! (offered or given)…Trust your instinct.

Decision Making

  • You need to make decisions, and not rethink them after they are done.
  • Change your state before a big decision (flight date).
  • Remember that you decide with the INFORMATION THAT YOU HAVE NOW therefore it is pointless going over it later.
  • Make a decision and do not look back.

A balanced day for you

Take a off day, or multi-days off.

Replace your single vision glasses and turn on for a single ACTIVITY focused vision. Make a day whole by relaxing, Focus on what is interesting/important to you and then do it.

  • Physical 🚶‍♂️
  • Mind (relaxing)
  • Cultural
  • Growth (learn something new)

My Revelations

  • The things you give out about are often present in your own personality and actions. It was very different leaving a house full of children. The transition from ‘always busy and noisy’ to solitude takes time.
  • I can’t stand the noise after the quietness of the last few days, and visa versa, when starting the Camino.
  • I love the freedom of going where I want … and the solitude of being alone.
  • I like to meet people for short periods.
  • Be patient and be prepared to take at least a week to adjust before taking anything strenuous or serious to learn to relax. In life, try to give yourself an idea of how long you are willing to stay doing something to give it a proper try. The more committed your are to your decisions the more likely you are to succeed.

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