Multinational Companies in Ireland

The Irish government has actively pursued foreign international investment in the last 30 years. It was particularly successful with software companies where Ireland rose to become the second highest exporter of software in the world, thanks to all the software companies that have their European headquarters here.

Companies in Ireland
Irish Economic Growth

The follow list is provided with compliments of

Financial services

This sector has seen significant growth with Brexit relocations.

Tech companies

Many of America’s tech giants have set up their European operations in Dublin. Here, these world-renowned multinationals can tap into our pool of young, English-speaking and well-educated workers.

Accounting and professional Services

The large number of multinational companies in Dublin has had the effect of drawing the world’s leading professional services firms to the city too. So if you’re looking for a job in accounting, Dublin is a great destination for you.

Science, engineering, health and pharma companies

Dublin has a proven track record for nurturing its world-leading science, engineering and health sectors. Pharmaceuticals are one of our biggest exports and our pool of well-educated STEM professionals attracts the world’s most cutting-edge multinationals. Links with local universities also boosts investment in R&D.

Product Value and EBM

Can you define what value is?

When you, as the producer benefit from a product, you are receiving value. This value / producer benefit can be either:

  • Money
  • Improving society

Value is only realized after the product (or a version of it) is RELEASED.

Therefore the quicker the first release the quicker ‘return on investment’ starts to be realized.

EBM – Evidence Based Management

Evidence-Based Management is the process of using data to make decisions and create strategies for a business.

Evidence-Based Management is becoming increasingly popular in today’s business world. It is the process of using data to make decisions and create strategies for a business. Companies are increasingly recognizing the value of using data to inform their decisions, as well as the potential advantages that evidence-based management can bring to their operations. Evidence-Based Management is being embraced by companies in a range of industries, from healthcare to manufacturing, and its popularity is only likely to grow in the future.

EBM is not limited to agile companies. The approach can be employed by businesses of any size and in any industry. That said, agile companies may be particularly well-suited to Evidence-Based Management, as they are better-equipped to quickly analyze data and use it to inform their decisions and strategies.


EBM does not tell you what metrics to measure, thus allowing the framework to remain adaptable. The metrics below are some of those commonly used cross industries:

Note that when looking at any metrics or data that you keeping mind whether it is a leading or lagging indicator.

Tracking Metrics Methodologies

Ensure metrics are value neutral: Keep them free from influence and judgement. There is not good or bad information; there is only the current reality. This is what is meant by value neutrality.

Spider Graph

An important aspect of putting value metrics in place is establishing the discipline to remeasure over time. The trends that emerge are as important as the data itself. Use to show metric changes over time.

Scoreboard Style Spreadsheet

Divide it into:

  • Circumstantial progress metrics
  • Leading metrics
  • Lagging metrics

Product Vision

Vision Definition

A picture of success of a project at a particular point in time.

It should be:

  • Inspiring
  • Technically sound
  • Documented
  • Communicated

A focused vision needs to be both

Practical (tell it) and Emotional (sell it)

Personal – Corporate – Product Vision

The most persistent visions are the ones that we emotionally embrace. Our emotions are part of our subconscious and thus part of ourselves and not something we can physically express at the early stages. If we study the above diagram we can summarize that our past experiences (personal and professional) and our ability to fantasize give us ideas. Those ideas when coupled with will and pragmatic analysis product a vision. A vision that is constantly reinforce becomes a goal.

People who ‘buy into’ your vision are the people you want on you team. They are the producers and the consumers of your product.

Agile Methodologies for Product Vision

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management and entrepreneurial tool used to develop new or document existing business models. It is a visual chart with elements describing a firm’s or product’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances. It allows entrepreneurs to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot their business model. It assists firms in aligning their activities by illustrating potential trade-offs.

No.Producer Benefit
Revenue Identification
1Customer segments
2Value proposition
4Customer relationships
5Revenue streams
Cost Identification
6Key activities
7Key resources
8Key partners
9Cost structure×2251/94bdd85692/bmi_2022_ppt-canvasses_business-model-canvas.png

Lean Canvas

The Lean Canvas is a strategic business model created by Ash Maurya that helps entrepreneurs quickly develop and communicate their business ideas. It is a one-page document that helps entrepreneurs identify and prioritize the key elements of their business.

The Lean Canvas is composed of nine boxes that represent the key elements of a business. These boxes include customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key metrics, key resources, key activities, and cost structure.

The Lean Canvas highlights aspects of a business that are essential for success and allows entrepreneurs to quickly adjust their business plans based on customer feedback.

Value Proposition Canvas

The Value Proposition Canvas is a tool used to design and develop a product or service that provides value to customers. It is a visual tool that allows companies to map out their value proposition in a structured way, by identifying the customer’s problem, their needs, and the product or service features that solve their problem.

The canvas also helps to identify the customer segments the product or service is designed to serve, the customer’s job-to-be-done and the channels through which the product or service is delivered.

It is a valuable tool for entrepreneurs, product managers, and marketers, as it helps to create a clear understanding of customers’ needs, and how to develop a value proposition that meets those needs.

Product box group activity

Product box vision tool is a software development tool that helps software developers and stakeholder visualize their software product as a 3D box. It allows developers to create a 3D representation of their software product so they can better understand the entire product architecture, the relationships between components and the overall impact of the features. It also helps them to identify potential weaknesses and areas that need improvement.

The product box vision tool can be used to quickly create detailed diagrams of the product, as well as to analyze the user experience and feedback from customers. The tool can also be used to create product roadmaps and to help prioritize development tasks.

Front of Box

Product Name

Product Image

Obvious target customer

Obvious value proposition fro the target customer

Back (and sides) of the Box

More detail about the features

Information relevant to different customers

Elevator Pitch

Vision Elevator Pitch Tool is a simple yet powerful tool designed to help entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses create an elevator pitch that clearly outlines their vision.

Fill in the gaps in the below sentence and then rewrite it a one, or two sentences. Come back to it, examine it and amend.

For …[target audience]

who …[need,want]

[product name] is a …[market category]

that …[one key benefit]

unlike …[competition or current situation]

our product …[competitive advantage]

Successful Great Thinkers

There are so many ‘great thinkers’ and recipes for success out there that it difficult to know what road to follow. I’m 100% not telling you what road to follow. What I’m sharing are a few teachers who, in my opinion, share a common way of thinking, and thus complement each other. The scrum values and the agile manifesto fit into their overarching message.

“Live you life a better way and do you business a better way, every day…good luck!”

Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich is a 1937 personal development and self-help book written by Napoleon Hill. It is based on Hill’s earlier work, The Law of Success, and outlines the steps needed to become successful.

The book proposes that success is achievable by using the power of one’s mind and the principles of creative visualization. It also covers topics such as the power of positive thinking, the power of the subconscious mind, and the importance of goal setting. Throughout the book, Hill emphasizes the importance of persistence and determination in achieving success. He also emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, faith in yourself, and the power of positive thinking. He advises that taking action and not giving up are key to success.

His work directly influenced…

Earl Nightengale

The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightengale is a motivational book that explores the power of positive thinking. The book teaches readers how to take control of their lives and achieve success. It emphasizes the importance of setting goals, developing strong beliefs, and being consistent in one’s actions. It encourages readers to be persistent, motivated, and patient in order to achieve their desired outcomes. The book also emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and having a clear understanding of one’s purpose in life. It encourages readers to take responsibility for their actions and outcomes, and to develop a strong self-discipline.

Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor, who recently passed away, was a world-renowned life coach and motivational speaker who taught people how to unlock their full potential and reach their goals.

His teachings focus on success, personal growth, and self-improvement. He encourages his students to think positively, tap into their inner strength, and take action towards their dreams. He also emphasizes the importance of creating a vision for the future and using affirmations to stay focused and motivated. He believes that anyone can achieve success if they believe in themselves and work hard.

He co-founded the Proctor Gallagher Institute.

Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is a life coach and motivational speaker who has developed a philosophy that is based around the principles of personal achievement. He believes that people have the power to create their own destiny, and that they can do so by understanding their own unique power and potential.

Robbins encourages people to take responsibility for their own lives and to set and pursue their own goals. He believes that by developing a positive mindset, people can tap into their inner strength to create positive change in their lives. His philosophy also emphasizes the importance of hard work, goal setting, and commitment to achieving success in life.

Wayne Dyre

Wayne Dyre’s philosophy is centered around the idea of “living in the now” and embracing life with a positive attitude. He believes that we should focus on the present moment, rather than worrying about the past or the future. He encourages us to find joy in the simple things in life, such as spending time with friends and family, and being kind to ourselves and others. By living in the present, we can create a more fulfilling and meaningful life. He also emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-improvement in order to achieve our goals.

Scrum Fundamentals

See how Scrum fits in the ‘Agile way’

Scrum Events

A scrum sprint is a time-boxed period, usually two to four weeks, during which specific work has to be completed and made ready for review. It is used in Agile software development and is part of the Scrum framework. During the sprint, a team works to complete specific goals and deliverables.

The main Scrum events are:

1. Sprint Planning: This event is attended by the entire Scrum Team (Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team). The goal of this event is to plan out the upcoming sprint and decide which items from the product backlog will be worked on during the sprint.

Less than 8 hours.

2. Daily (Stand-up) Scrum: This event is attended by the Development Team and the Scrum Master. The goal of this event is to review progress from the day before, identify any obstacles, and plan out what needs to be done for the day.

15 minutes

3. Sprint Review: This event is attended by the entire Scrum Team (Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team). The goal of this event is to review the work done during the sprint, receive feedback, and demonstrate the completed product.

Less than 4 hours.

4. Sprint Retrospective: This event is attended by the entire Scrum Team (Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team). The goal of this event is to review the sprint, identify what went well and what can be improved, and plan out actions to improve the process for the next sprint.

Less than 3 hours.

3 Pillars of Scrum (TIA)

The three pillars of Scrum are:

1. Transparency: All aspects of the process must be visible to those involved. This includes progress, issues, and actions.

2. Inspection: Regularly examining the progress and results of the process and adjusting accordingly.

3. Adaptation: Making changes to the process to improve its effectiveness. Empiricism is the foundation of Scrum and is based on three principles:


Evidence-based decision making:

All decisions should be based on observable, empirical evidence. Regularly inspect the process and results to identify areas for improvement. Make changes to the process based on the evidence gathered from inspection.

These principles ensure that the process is constantly inspected and improved, leading to better results.

Scrum Values

The 5 Scrum values are:






The 3 Scrum Artifacts

These are the physical parts of scrum that can be touched. Not necessarily the only thing, but these must, at least, be included in every scrum project

  1. The Product Backlog – committed to the Product Goal. Responsibility of the Product Owner
    1. It gives an overall direction to all Sprints.
    2. It helps the team stay focused and make better decisions
    3. It makes it easier to inspect the incremental progress of the product
  2. The Sprint Backlog – committed to the Sprint Goal. Why (goal), what (PBI’s), how (actionable plan to deliver the increment). Responsibility of the developer team.
  3. The Increment – committed to the DoD. Responsibility of the scrum team.

Attitude: ‘Make-or-Break’ You


Having the right attitude is often what makes a leader strong. It can be the difference between failure and success, between inspiring someone and losing their loyalty, and between leading effectively or becoming a tyrant.

A positive attitude can help a leader to make the right decisions in crucial moments and set the standard for their team. It gives them the confidence and resilience they need to handle difficult situations while ensuring that the team has the motivation to keep moving forward.

At the same time, having a negative attitude can have drastic consequences. A leader

Bob Proctor on attitude

Bob Proctor is a motivational speaker, author and mentor. He believes that attitude is an essential factor in success. According to Proctor, attitude is the “one thing that determines whether a leader succeeds or fails.” Having the right attitude allows leaders to remain stagnant and resilient in the face of adversity, while inspiring their team to strive for greater goals.

In terms of attitude, Proctor advises that leaders focus on consistently cultivating positive thinking and emotions such as passion, enthusiasm and belief in their team and their own capabilities. Leaders must be

Agile Manifesto & 12 Core Principles

See how the ‘Scrum Fundamentals‘ fit into Agile.

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.

2. Working software over comprehensive documentation.

3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.

4. Responding to change over following a plan.

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

The 12 core principles of the Agile Manifesto are as follows:

1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage. 3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.

4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.

5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.

6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.

7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.

8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.

9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.

10. Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential.

11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes

Scrum Master Job Description

The Scrum Master is responsible for managing and facilitating the Scrum process, ensuring the team adheres to the values and principles of the Agile methodology.

The Scrum Master’s primary responsibilities include helping to define and refine team processes, removing impediments to progress, and guiding the team toward successful outcomes.

The Scrum Master acts as a coach to the team, helping them to become self-organizing and highly productive.

The Scrum Master will also work with the Product Owner to ensure a clear understanding of the product goals, and help the team to prioritize accordingly.

The Scrum Master will be responsible for setting up and running daily Scrum meetings, helping to plan and facilitate sprint reviews and retrospectives, and assisting with any conflict resolution that may arise. The Scrum Master will also need to stay up to date with Agile best practices and be available to answer questions and provide guidance to the team.

Qualities that make a Great Scrum Master

A Scrum Master is a facilitator and leader who helps a Scrum team to follow the Scrum framework and principles. The most important skills of a Scrum Master include:

  1. Leadership: A Scrum Master must be able to lead the team and help them to work together effectively.
  2. Facilitation: A Scrum Master must be able to facilitate meetings and discussions, and help the team to make decisions.
  3. Communication: A Scrum Master must have strong communication skills and be able to convey information clearly and effectively to the team, stakeholders and other relevant parties.
  4. Coaching: A Scrum Master must be able to coach the team members, help them to identify and overcome obstacles, and improve their skills.
  5. Conflict resolution: A Scrum Master must be able to help the team to resolve conflicts and maintain a positive and productive working environment.
  6. Problem-solving: A Scrum Master must be able to help the team to identify and solve problems, and make decisions that are in the best interest of the project and the team.
  7. Knowledge of Scrum: A Scrum Master must have a deep understanding of the Scrum framework and be able to apply it effectively.
  8. Adaptability: A Scrum Master must be able to adapt to the changing needs of the team and the project, and be able to guide the team through changes.

Scrum Developer Job Description

A Scrum Developer is responsible for creating and developing software (and other) products. They must use the Agile Scrum methodology to develop and deliver software products. The Scrum Developer should be able to understand the business requirements and create a plan to develop the software product. They must be able to work within a team environment and collaborate with other members to ensure the software product is delivered on time and within budget.

The Scrum Developer must have excellent problem solving and communication skills, as well as experience in software development and the Agile Scrum methodology. They should be able to work independently and with a sense of ownership for their projects. The Scrum Developer must have strong technical skills in areas such as object-oriented programming, software design and development, database design and development, web development, and software testing. They must also be able to use tools such as version control systems, automated testing frameworks, and bug tracking tools.

The Scrum Developer must be able to work effectively and efficiently under pressure, while meeting tight deadlines and maintaining a high level of quality. They should also have excellent interpersonal skills and be able to work closely with stake holders, project managers, and other development teams.

Scrum Product Owner Job Description

A Scrum Product Owner is responsible for managing the product backlog and ensuring that the development team is delivering value to the customer.

The Product Owner is the voice of the customer and acts as a liaison between the development team and the stakeholders. They are responsible for ensuring that the product roadmap aligns with the company’s strategy and objectives.

The Product Owner is responsible for anticipating customer needs and developing features that address those needs. They will also prioritize features and manage the development team’s resources to ensure that the most important features are developed first. The Product Owner will also be responsible for setting clear goals, defining acceptance criteria, and monitoring progress against those goals.

To succeed in this role, the Product Owner should have a good understanding of the product, the customer, and the market. They should have excellent communication and organizational skills and be able to work effectively with multiple stakeholders. Additionally, the Product Owner should have experience working with Agile methodology and be comfortable with data-driven decision making.